Agriculture IOT product
Simplifying cattle management process
Understanding the problem
Small scale cattle farming is generally very disorganized. Monitoring and managing cattle is a time consuming and tedious task and hence, client came to us with an idea to develop a product that would reduce time and effort while increasing overall efficiency of the whole process. Our task was to come up with something that would aide cattle farmers with monitoring, measuring and maintaining cattle output regularly.
Our first step was collecting data, reviewing research papers and gathering information about existing solutions. After research we concluded that no existing solution met the requirements and we needed to invent a new solution. We started studying, applying and reviewing theories and mechanisms. This led us on the track of using NIR technology to measure and collect milk output data.
The Solution
We developed a first of its kind product, an NIR milk flow meter that measures milk flow output of each and every cow and sends the data to a smartphone app which tracks wellness and flow cycle for all cows